In spite of having a somewhat unpleasant smell for many persons, the garlic can provide a large number of benefits to our organism, also it is a vegetable that is used in all the kitchens to give him good flavor to the meals, My diet of the Garlics gave results.
The Inconvenience of the Flavor to eat the Garlic
He remembers that to avoid the inconvenience of the flavor and the smell that you have left after eating the garlic, you can choose for the natural tablets that you can find in any shop that offers this class of products. Also, it is possible to fight taking a little of lemon juice or chewing a mint sheet. The important thing is not to forbid to obtain the benefits of this wonderful natural product.
India and the Ancient Egypt
The garlic originated in Central Asia and the use in the alternative medicine is applied from the third millenium before Christ in the India and the Ancient Egypt, so, as you can realize, the benefits of the garlic are known for many years, and although they have been part of popular beliefs that have been transmitted from generation to generation, many scientific investigations could have verified that they are real and the effective above mentioned properties.
The flavor of the garlic is quite strong and a little piquant, the typical smell does not please him to the whole world, but nevertheless it is the preferred one by the most famous cooks and by the housewives, since the flavor that reaches port to all the plates is not replaced with anything; also it has a large number of medicinal properties.
Recent scientific investigations have demonstrated that the regular garlic consumption eliminates the bacteria of our organism, also it is a powerful natural antibiotic.
Naturally the Pressure
With this fragrant vegetable also it is possible to treat naturally the high blood pressure, the rheumatism, the diarrheas, the stomach colic provoked by parasites; also it has the aptitude to reduce the physical depletion and the nervous disorders.
Also he stands out for being a powerful stimulant of the appetite, helps to have a good digestion, the circulation avoids the stomach, active acidity helping to the good functioning of the heart and he is a good protector of the liver and the vesicle, keeping them healthy and strong.
To consume the garlic on an empty stomach is very good for desintoxicar the organism, also if it takes in a continuous way and in the long term we can prepare certain types of cancer, diabetes and problems that have to do with the nerves and the depressive states.
To obtain each and everyone of the benefits that the garlic drinks to us, we must consume it preferably raw, since in the cooking process it can lose many of its valuable properties.
Perhaps its flavor turns out to be to you too much a fortress due to the content of sulfur, but if you start analyzing all the benefits that you can obtain, the smell will go on to a background and you will devote yourself to eat it without so many prevention. The more recommended is to eat two teeth a day, this way you will be able to feel its curative powers.
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